Laser hair removal by Z-spa in DFW   Leave a comment

Removal at Z-Spa DFW

Laser Hair Removal Facts: How it Works

Lasers use pulsed light to target, break down and destroy the melanin (dark pigment) in hair. This is why it works only on dark hair. Lasers will also target the melonin in dark skin, which can cause discoloration. The hair grows in three phases: growing, resting and shedding. Lasers and pulsed lights targets hair in the growth phase.

Laser Hair Removal Facts: When Does Hair Fall Out?

Hair falls out within 10-14 days. I use a mild sugar scrub in the shower on the 10th day, which helps exfoliate the skin and remove hair. It does help.

Laser Hair Removal Facts: What Areas Can be Treated?

Lasers and pulsed light target several follicles at once, so you can treat large areas of skin. While it would take years to perform electrolysis on the back or legs, a typical laser hair removal session on both legs usually takes under two hours. Lasers are great for treating the back, shoulders, arm and chest.

For upper lip and chin, lasers work but only on dark hair. If you want to ensure the blonde hairs are zapped, your better bet is electrolysis for permanent hair removal in these areas. Men and Women can do this treatment!!

Laser Hair Removal Facts: How Long Do They Take?

It takes 4-6 laser hair removal sessions spaced 4 weeks apart to see 70-80 percent reduction in hair growth. For best results, Sometimes more then 6 treatments will be needed in some areas. Getting maintenance treatments done once a year for a couple years at least, is also recommended.laser

Laser Hair Removal Facts: Are Results Guaranteed?

No. Laser hair removal works better on some people than others. No one knows for sure what the regrowth rates are. Some people notice regrowth after several months or years, while others find they never have to shave again. The average experience is 70-80 percent reduction in hair growth if you do a full 6 course treatments.

Laser Hair Removal Facts: What’s the Pain Factor?

No pain with the new machines.

Laser Hair Removal Facts: Pick the Right Expert

Book only with a dermatologist or licensed technician. I love Z-Spa!!

Laser Hair Removal Facts: What It’ll Cost You

Laser hair removal is worth every penny. Depending on what body part you treat, it can run from $200 to $2,000 a session.  Z-Spa always has great discounts on groupon, and other coupon sites and monthly specials as well. They treat you right and get the job done!!


Posted August 31, 2013 by Traci Davis in Business, Fitness, Life!

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