What I do!!   2 comments

The most successful people have the best stories. Do you think you would know who Sea Biscuit was if he did not have a Story? No! Well, my story isn’t over yet!
In my short 37 years on this earth, I have had some great success and some great failures. But with all I have learned from it and continue to learn every day.
My current business, “Tan Yer Hide & Tone It Too!” www. TanYerHide.com, began with taking my youngest daughter to preschool twice a week. With high fuel cost and living over 20 miles away I would wait for her to get done. I am not one that can sit. I had an Aunt in Colorado that was doing foot detox so I called her and asked her all about it. I called a friend that had a tanning salon and asked her if I could set up in her store in trade for helping her a bit. She loved the idea, so after some learning and training, I was busy doing feet. I moved to a busier location on those 2 days week and the other days of the week. I started traveling to clients homes to do parties. Giving the host a free Detox, (not bad for free advertising). Through this I started getting healthier, eating better and exercising, myself.
I looked into body wraps to help myself tighten up a bit more. Also thinking this would be a great add on to my business, and then came spray tans, living in a small town that did not offer this service gave a great opportunity for expansion. My friends kept asking me how I was doing so well and if I would help them get started to, so I looked into franchising my business after many hours visiting with attorneys, I found that partnerships or business opportunities were a cheaper and faster route to go. So now with 7 locations and growing, I am thinking of more expansions. This has been a great business and learning experience. I ran a very scheduled cleaning business in Washington State for over 10 years. So I am not new to business. I enjoy the way an idea can come together.
I have had some other successful business along the way and some failures too. But it does not stop me. I keep looking. Definitely my habitat I have horses we enjoy. We were raising them but now just train or sell them. (He does the training, I do the selling). I have built businesses up and sold them as well. I have had a few vending businesses I have started and sold. I will start one I can get into reasonably build it up.
I sell it to find another idea. Not always having the funds to do the things I would like to. You have to be creative and find ways. If there is a will there is a way.
My husband and I have a cattle background. We are still involved with cattle and have a great love for them, but we also like to keep the bills paid. With the market dropping we keep a few to feed up or slaughter to sell beef.
We also have a few inventions we are working on as well. To be in business for yourself you have to keep thinking at growing to stay ahead.
I am, with a friend working on a new book that will release mother’s day this year. It is a guide for moms. Will be a great addition, to any mom’s library.
I tell people all the time, I do whatever it takes to not have to work, but I am very busy and I love all of it. That is the key; Love what you do!
Some people are great employees and that is great, they are needed badly but others need Freedom and are able to manage themselves. The world needs that type of people as well.


Posted February 15, 2010 by Traci Davis in Business


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