Vote for Traci so I can bring home the BACON   Leave a comment

Help me Bring hope the BaconVote for Traci so I can bring home the BACONPretty piggy!! Vote for Traci To bring home the bacon!! bacon and eggs -- I need the bacon - Vote for TraciVote for Traci so I can bring home the BACONbacon, bacon bacon, Help me bring it home -- Please vote for Traci!!
bacon, bacon bacon, Help me bring it home -- Please vote for Traci!! Vote for Traci so I can bring home the BACONbacon, bacon bacon, Help me bring it home -- Please vote for Traci!! Hey miss piggy can bring the bacon so can I!! Please vote for TraciHelp me load the piggy bank - Vote for me to bring home the bacon!Help me load the piggy bank - Vote for me to bring home the bacon!
Vote for Traci to bring home the bacon!! piggy bank is a little thin- Vote for me to bring home the bacon!Help me load the piggy bank - Vote for me to bring home the bacon!Help me get out - Vote for me and share!! Hey look at me look at me!! Vote TraciHelp me get out - Vote for me and share!!
pitch in by giving me the vote!! Vote for Traci so I can bring home the BACONVote for Traci so I can bring home the BACONHey the horse business is slow -- Help me bring home the bacon!! Vote for Traci so I can bring home the BACONVote for Traci so I can bring home the BACON

Vote for Traci so I can bring home the BACON, a set on Flickr.


Wow did I really say that?

If you know me — you know my motto is I do all I can or have to not to have to have a job!! But wow I still want to bring home the bacon and I would love to bring home this $100,000 job!! That is a lot of bacon!!

To get the job I need votes!! Please help me win! It only takes a min to click and you can vote daily for me Here is the link to my profile on Cheap Sally — The bring home the bacon contest!!

This contest is for people who like to save money and help others do so — and of course I like that!! My favorite saying is if it is FAST, CHEAP and EASY it is ME!!

The winner doesn’t have to quit their day job or relocate, just interact a bit with Sally and blog each week.

We are looking for someone with a strong passion for saving money both online and in retail stores!!

Again my link is HERE please vote daily and THANKS for the support!!

Via Flickr:

Wow did I really say that?

If you know me — you know my motto is I do all I can or have to not to have to have a job!! But wow I still want to bring home the bacon and I would love to bring home this $100,000 job!! That is a lot of bacon!!

To get the job I need votes!! Please help me win! It only takes a min to click and you can vote daily for me Here is the link to my profile on Cheap Sally — The bring home the bacon contest!!

This contest is for people who like to save money and help others do so — and of course I like that!! My favorite saying is if it is FAST, CHEAP and EASY it is ME!!

The winner doesn’t have to quit their day job or relocate, just interact a bit with Sally and blog each week.

We are looking for someone with a strong passion for saving money both online and in retail stores!!

Again my link is HERE please vote daily and THANKS for the support!!


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