What is Zerona?   Leave a comment

Zerona is GREAT!!

Maybe you could call it the easy way out? Well is there really an easy way to lose weight and inches? No not really. But wow this will help!

Zerona is the first non-invasive body contouring procedure to effectively remove excess fat.” Zerona® is a laser procedure that is a proven way to lose weight in as little as two weeks. Zerona® works by liquifying fat cells thereby shrinking fat around the waist, hips, and thighs. It does this by disrupting adiopocytes zspa, z-spa, zerona, weight loss, lose, inches, laser, cold, diet, weatherford, fort worthwhich are fat cell membranes and causing the release of fatty material.

In 20 minutes on each side (total 40 minutes) You can have a smaller waistline. Now it is not fool proof you need to not over eat and gain a bunch of weight but this procedure can really help your bottom line so to say.

Where can you get this done you ask? Well Z-Spa of course — they are easy to find in Fort Worth of Camp Bowie Blvd – not to far from Weatherford.

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