Save water – get laser hair removal!   Leave a comment

I love it!

Do you know how much water it takes to shave your legs? Well it takes 40 gallons of water zspa, z-spa, zerona, weight loss, lose, inches, laser, cold, diet, weatherford, fort worth,, tomtra, hair removal, spa, treatment, botox, skin, wrinklesfor a bath and you use 10-15 gallons of water for every 5 minutes in the shower. Well we all know it can take a while to get all the hair on our legs and we still miss some even being slow and careful!

I love the fact that I have not shaved in months! REALLY – months!! With Laser hair removal at Z-spa you can go without shaving too! Z-spa ALWAYS has great specials and a great staff.

Laser hair removal is pain free and does not take much time. Laser hair removal is a highly concentrated light that beams into hair follicles. Pigment in the follicles absorb the light. That destroys the hair. Very simple and saves you time in the shower (intern time in your day) saves water which helps save the planet and money. So do your part and talk to Beth and at Z-spa and set up time to get the hair on your body lasered off!

zspa, z-spa, zerona, weight loss, lose, inches, laser, cold, diet, weatherford, fort worth,, tomtra, hair removal, spa, treatment, botox, skin, wrinkles


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